Live like a king in the Dynastic Hotel, one of the finest in Benidorm. This hotel has services and
facilities for guests from all walks of life. Partygoers will be amazed at the wealth of clubs and
bars near to the hotel and as the Dynastic Hotel prides itself on catering for groups, you can be
assured of a good time here. Families will enjoy the children's club (perfect for dropping the kids
off before a day in the sun) and the theme parks nearby.
Those looking for a relaxing holiday full of pampering can look forward to the hotel's spa, including
a Turkish bath, sauna, gym and indoor pool (free of charge for All Inclusive guests). And of course,
the beach is only 600 metres away, guaranteeing sea and sand for all.
Once you have seen the sights and sampled the hotel's fabulous facilities, take a ride up in one of
the elevators offering panoramic views of Benidorm to your room. Stylish and spacious accommodation
awaits, featuring all the facilities one would expect, including satellite television and air conditioning,
and magnetic keys. With an all-inclusive package available, it really is possible to live like royalty
in the Dynastic Hotel.